Contacts & Requests

Castelfalfi | Loc. Castelfalfi 50050 Montaione, Firenze, Italia
GPS coordinates for Castelfalfi: 43° 32' 53.642" N 10° 51' 34.466" E
Private Transfers
You can reach Castelfalfi in absolute comfort via a private transfer organized by us.
National and International flights
Pisa – 50 km / 40 mins
Florence – 65 km / 60 mins
Bologna – 155 km / 120 mins
Rome Fiumicino – 310 km / 215 mins
Private Airports
Capannori (Lucca) – 50 km / 60 mins
Ampugnano (Siena) – 70 km / 70 mins
Grosseto – 140 km / 120 mins
Helicopter Transfers
Castelfalfi offers the possibility to land on the Estate with a private helicopter.
Nearest Railway Stations
Castelfiorentino is the closest railway station for local trains, located a 20-minute drive from the resort.
Firenze Santa Maria Novella is the closest railway station for high-speed trains, located a 75-minute drive from the resort.