Whistleblowing Procedure
Employees and third parties, through the methods indicated below, can report any wrongdoing or irregularities within the company with the aim of protecting the person who makes the aforementioned reports.
The system adopted meets the requirements of D.Lgs 24/2023 implementing Directive (EU) 2019/1937, concerning "the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and laying down provisions concerning the protection of persons who report breaches of national regulatory provisions".
Reports will be handled in compliance with the policy adopted by the Company and its attachments, which are available below:
The Company envisages the use of alternative reporting systems:
IT channel
Reports can be sent through the appropriate channel, which can be reached at the following URL: https://tenutadicastelfalfi.pa...
By using this channel it is possible to choose to make the report also after meeting with the Reports Management Structure identified by Tenuta di Castelfalfi.
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